

so i'm yet another day closer to my birthday.
and yeah, normally i don't make a big deal about it.

fuck, for the last so many years, it came and went w/o the coworkers and other friends noticing. Except last year. Aside from getting some sweet pies from Pink Tiger, Pepe, and Big Ern, which were way way cool...mmMMMmmm...piiiiiiiiie.... i was out of the country. That and Bad Megan and I also saw Vienna Teng. mmmMMmmm...Vienna Teng......

so this year... i'm actually here this year, and while i'm kinda sorta ninja-ing my birthday again....is ninja-ing a word? it is now. so yeah... ninja-ing my birthday...i'm going to do something i haven't done in a while. actually have folks over and what not.

This'll be a first, really, as i've invited coworkers/friends... i really hate using the word coworker cuz they're more friends than coworkers... so yeah... friends from work and friends from outside of work. I'm curious and wondering who will show up. hmm.

in the meantime.... so there are registers for baby showers and marriages and what not... i think there should be one for occasions like this, too.

hi, i'm registered at electronics boutique, best buy, fry's, target, the Wal-mart, Home Depot (nothin' says i love you more than power tools), Specs liquor (crown and coke, bishes. tell me you care...and if you do, buy me some cherries too.)

Did I say i liked crown and coke with cherries? even regular coke with cherries? yes. yes i do. but crown... i once left some really tipsy voicemail for Jessica after several consecutive crown and cokes... and then Brian and Stacey had to make sure i was good when i ran into them...or was that another time???

ha. i dunno. but for now, let's see...

actually... i dunno what i want.
Vienna Teng, for sure. No, not the CDs or autographs... the person.

i saw Tenjho Tenge at the store, but will prolly wait til i can snipe some on ebay. ha ha. hrm... Still looking for this one specific elusive McFarlane Military Deployed that I haven't gotten yet. um... a pirate ship. yes. a pirate ship. yarrr. oh, and a replica flintlock thingie so i can be a pirate. couple of video games,..yis. life is good.

oh, and anything Dale Jr. ha. i saw the coolest thing at the walmart this weekend. if it's still there, gonna get that one in a few. *nodnod* Dale jr all yr round, buddy.

i dunno. i suck at making wishlists cuz i'd rather just get them myself. i think i just wanna hang out with some friends this year.

that and i'm always up for being pimpstressed to some cute single chic. but that's an all-year round thing.
and with that, i'm gonna go sleep cuz the MER is gonna be something fierce and different tomorrow. hee hee hee.
that and like i said... destiny. oh yes. the rest of the week IS mine. muha...muha...muhaha..muhahahahahahahahahaaa. or something.


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