

2 yrs ago, i was in a class.
yeah, i mentioned this story already.
there was a cute girl, sat in front of me, turned around, asked if i understood the class, and pretty much volunteered me to help her get through the class.

she had issues with coming to class, whether it's one thing or another. the instructor was kind enough to let her finish by finishing all the exams, and i still helped her through it. I think she made a B.

we were friends. hung out every now and then. her family was cool with me. her son was cool with me. our study buddy said she thought the classmate and i were gonna hit it off. we'd usually sit outside her porch after studying, and just talk for a while. i kinda miss dancing and playin in the water fountain with her.

studying and work wise, i love my memory... photo/videographic... videographic cuz i can play the entire memory from start to finish. and at times, i wanna just say fuck it. Fuckitol. 1 tablet please.

2 yrs ago.

she told me stuff she didn't tell a soul, not her son, not her brother or whatever.
made me feel honored. got to talking that she would start dating again when her son turned 18...7 yrs later. hmm. could Bum actually wait that long? Shit, I was liking a chick with a kid, waiting might not be such a bad thing. she told me of the guy she broke up with. twice. her son didn't like him, and apparently, he didn't even acknowledge the kiddo was alive.

few months later, she stopped saying hi. she somehow made up again with the guy.
makes me think, ya know, if you try to be decent, not too much of an ass or an asshole, have some sort of non-criminal personality... maybe, just maybe, some chic will dig ya. especially when a few others think it'd be ok. but when ya up and go back to someone you swear you'll never go back to... i had to question what the hell was wrong with me. Fuckitol, another tablet, please. thank you sir, may I have another?

2 yrs ago. i learned.

1 yr later. got back in touch just to say hi every now and then. well, no, i stayed in touch a lil bit more often than that. that just didn't mean she did.

last october. oh yeah, she met some guy. I was so happy for her. somehow, her family kept telling the guy all about me, me who was just a friend. and he wanted to meet me. wtf. i'm not family, i'm just another friend. yeah, i remember that phone call. just got back from a business trip and just before vacation. just outside BW3s. It was a Tuesday. I think.

This year.
I'd call and leave voicemail. one time, i got to say hi at work, and maybe talked for about 3 mins. the usual she'll call me back later, email me later, etc etc. I actually knew better about that part. she never calls back. but, for old times sake, Fuckitol, in new water soluble capsule form.

Mother's Day.
Saw her son. Told him to tell her hi for me. Doubt or dunno if that was actually done.

Classes have started for this summer as of Monday, 6/6.
I'd wanted to get my old book back so I can use it as a study guide.
Email? No answer.
Voicemail? No answer.
Work? They seemed surprised when I asked for her.
Home? Some guy picked up, have no idea if he passed the word on to her.
Mainly that I said hi, and that I wanted my book back.

Two days later?
still hadn't heard from her.
didn't know if she was still taking classes.
no email, no calls.

during class break, called her house up.
same guy picked up. no idea who it was.

hi, is she there? she's asleep? ok, can i talk to her son? ok, i'll wait.

hey kiddo, how ya been? good? good.
do me a favor? can you tell your Mom I'm back in school and need to get my book back so I can use it to study? Cool. thanks!
So, what's new? You doin' good? How's your Mom?

a baby girl...2 days ago...
i see.
congratulations to her.
to you too.

and i think as i listen to how you said it, you didn't sound too thrilled.
but hmm.

shot of fuckitol, amazement, and funny, please.
as much as i tried to stay in touch...
as much as you agreed you didn't stay in touch enough...
as much as we knew i was around...

i'm good enough to tell your life story to.
that your father was ill, and i'll pray for him.
just not good enough to say "hey i'm gonna have a kid".



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