
Past voicemail returning - Presell

Everytime at the stores, I'm at the checkout line, and i get asked,

Hey, do you want some free issues with that?
-No. They're not really free. And if you forget to cancel the thing, they charge you.

Hey, would you like to add this to your purchase?
-No. If I wanted it or needed it, I'd have said, please add this.

Hey, do you want an extended warranty for this item?
-Um... no. Not really. Maybe next time.

My favorite?
Would you like to put money down for this item on pre-sell?
-Maybe. Depends. is it something I'd still want to get by the time it gets here? Maybe.

How does this all relate to a voicemail coming back?
Well, apparently, I'd had a good few to drink one night. Tipsy Bum. Gigglin' laughin' What-Did-I-Did yet I actually remember Bum.

I called my dear friend and left her voicemail. Something along the lines of,
"Hey .... ! Um...tee-hee-hee. If you're still single in 4 years, will you marry me?
I mean, you've got your pick, but in case you get bored, tee hee hee"

So I was thinking about her today and was gonna leave her voicemail asking how she was. She's ok, moving from one place to another, etc etc. And as we were hanging up, she said,
"Hey wait... some time agho, you left me voicemail..."
"Uh oh... hee hee, I think I did."
"Yeah, I laughed out loud on that one like, are you serious?"
"Well, i mean, if you are in 4 yrs or so and stuff, sure!"
"Oh, ok, cuz I was like..."
"heh...well, if you just get tired of looking, i'll be like..."
"like...my backup."
"Yeah, Plan B. Your backup plan"
"Which is good cuz my previous Backup just got married"

So there. 4 yrs. Time flies real quick.

"So hey, would you be interested in this pre-sell for a single Bum? Supplies are limited"



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