

Two days ago, I was under the weather.
I ate oranges, took supplements, drank a LOT of water... but that wasn't good enough...

Yesterday, I was sick. Heavily congested. Started taking meds. Still drinking a lot of lemonade, water, and gatorade. Chicken soup is always good. Started to feel a little better til a sinus headache started to say hello.

Today, I'm feeling a lot better than yesterday, but geez, I still feel like crap. Aching all over, stuffed up, and I only wear frickin sweatpants when I'm sick. Hmm... and now introoducing the Fall/Winter You're Sick fashion lineup... here we have some sweatpants, a shirt, which goes untucked under a long sleeved shirt. Absolutely stunning. Fuck, I hate being sick.

My time during being sick is incremented in four hour increments. Why? Cuz that's when I have to take the next dosage of meds. Ugh. I hope I can go back to work tomorrow. Sad, but true. I hate this feeling.


Blogger cedia said...

A little under the weather, huh? Hope you feel better soon.

8:12 AM  

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